Canadian University Sector
Top financial officers of Canadian universities face missions that sometimes seem impossible.
As a busy executive, time is rarely on your side – we respect that. KOMAND’s Executive Perspectives™ series provides fresh thought-provoking perspectives on business, management and leadership topics, presented as succinct one-page executive summaries.
Executive Perspectives™ provide a starting point – food for thought, reflection and perhaps action. They may cover something new or something on your radar that you’ve had no time to follow up. You will want to monitor Executive Perspectives™ regularly, to keep abreast of current issues and possibly to circulate them to your executive team. If you want an in-depth briefing on any ideas you find in this series, we would be happy to meet and discuss your specific interests and needs.
To discuss how our experts can help your organization please
KOMAND was mandated to provide a prospective overview of the soon-to-be built research centre. KOMAND first assisted the ResearchCentreCo team in identifying their strategic initiatives and subsequent service offerings.